Cms 1500 Claim Software

SmartFormsis a term used to describe an electronic form with capabilities beyond a traditional paper form; such as electronic completion, dynamic sections, database calls and electronic submission. With a form on your computer screen you can enter and process information in a simple and logical format. The core of the business is providing state-of- the-art, simple SmartForms for our customers.
SmartForms stimulates process improvements and has been streamlining forms since 1992. We stay ahead of technology and offer the next generation of online applications and software in Windows or Apple platforms. Kindly review the Portfolio link to see the variety of programs and applications created by SmartForms. These include software products for the medical industry such as the multiple versions of the CMS-1500, OASIS C-2, UB-04 and CMS-485.
The newest systems designed by SmartForms are cloud-based systems. Launched in October 2017, the OASISC-2 Online Tool is a solution to completing and submitting the OASIS C-2 to Medicare. Home Health Agencies pay a low monthly subscription fee and love this solution that streamlines their processes, improves compliance and significantly increases their reimbursements. The new Employee Portal system assists in hiring and bringing onboard new employees. Another system is the Online Building Permit application. This system is used by municipal departments to accept permit applications, development plans and fees.

Custom Development.
We can develop custom online, mobile, and stand-alone applications in a variety of programming environments.

Cms 1500 Claim SoftwareCms 1500 claim software reviews

Database Consultation
Let us determine and construct the best interface to allow your users access to data in the most streamlined system and create search techniques that will produce powerful reports.

Speedy Claims CMS 1500 software is EASY Step 1. View the CMS 1500 on your screen Step 2. Fill in the blanks and hit print or send electronically Speedy Claims CMS 1500 is FAST Once customized based on your practice, any field or setting can be automatically completed as soon as you begin. And with every claim your information is saved for reuse. Claim files can be generated from the invoice and can be printed as a Superbill / CMS 1500 Claim form with all the necessary CPT codes included for submission to insurance agencies. Ability to track partially paid invoices is also available.

E-Commerce Integration
Let SmartForms develop a custom integration or modify your existing platform to modernize and improve your payment processing functions.

What is Claims Processing Automation Software?

Claims Processing Automation Software is able to read the text from EOBs, CMS 1500 (formerly HCFA 1500) and soon CMS 1450 forms, and UB-04 (formerly UB-92) documents, then upload the information directly to your claims processing system. This greatly reduces the expensive data entry costs incurred by organizations that process these forms.

These systems use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to recognize machine printed data from scanned images, as well as Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) that can read hand printed data.

Who can benefit from Claims Processing Automation?

Any organization that enters data from health care claim forms and EOBs can benefit greatly from automating the process with Forms Processing Software. If you have more than 1/3 of a full time employee's time dedicated to this task you can save money with a recognition solution.

Cms 1500 Claim Software

Besides the savings in time and labor, recognition systems provide a superior data entry interface that helps reduce errors. They also decrease the overall time it takes to process claims, ensuring faster payments.

How much do Claims Processing Automation systems cost?

Tafsir al manar bahasa indonesia pdf. There are some solutions that are higly customized and integrated, but these are cost prohibitive for all but the largest companies. ScanStore has developed solutions for automating CMS 1500 and UB-04 forms using the affordable ABBYY FlexiCapture data capture solution that gives you the same data entry automation at a much lower cost.

The total cost of a Claims Processing Automation solution includes several items:

  • Cost of the software
  • Time to install and configure the software
  • Integrate validation checks with claims software to ensure data like claimant, procedure code, diagnostic code, facility, etc. exist and are valid
  • Integrate data export with claims software
  • User and administrator training
  • Labor required to verify recognition results
  • IT infrastructure and maintenance costs

If you are processing Explanation of Benefits (EOB) files, there is additional configuration time required to adjust the baseline recognition template to read the specific formats of your commonly used insurance providers.

If you have an IT staff that is familiar with document scanning and OCR applications, it is possible to do much of the configuration and maintenance in-house. If not then it is highly recommended that you use our Consulting Services to guide you through the setup process.

But you just want to know the price, right? The total cost for software, hardware, and consulting for a typical implementation starts at about $15,000. If that sounds like a lot of money then you either don't process a lot of claims forms or haven't calculated all the costs associated with manual data entry!

Contact Us to get a professional analysis of your project requirements and a full time and cost estimate.

What Is A Cms 1500 Claim Form Used For

What is the typical Claims Processing Automation workflow?

Cms 1500 Claim Software Online

There are several steps involved in the process of scanning and recognizing claim forms data. Here is how it works in day to day operation:


Cms 1500 Claim Software Download

  • Paper prepped for scanning (unfolded, staples removed, etc.)
  • Forms are scanned on a high-speed document scanner
  • Data on the scanned forms is recognized with Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR)
  • Recognized data is assigned a 'confidence' value according to the recognition quality
  • Data fields considered 'low confidence' are presented to users for manual review and correction
  • Once all errors are corrected, data is exported directly to your claims processing database, or to an XML data file that can be imported automatically.

The key thing is that the hardest part, typing in all the data from the forms, is now an automated step. This manual step is replaced by scanning and reviewing the recognized data. Roughly 5% of the data will be presented for review (up to 10% for hand-printed forms) and most of the reviewed data will not require corrections. This means the total time for the new workflow is less than half of the time it takes for manual data entry.