Sama Veda Sandhyavandanam Pdf


Srivaishnavam Parambaryam, Traditions & The Culture that stands Class apart from othersEssence of Srivaishnavam Practices – Sama Vedha Sandhyavandanam

Sama Veda Sandhyavandanam Pdf In Tamil

Sama veda sandhyavandanam pdf

The following are the Sama Veda Sandhyavandanam for all three Times known as Pradas, Madhyanika & Sayum Sandhya. Please observe the Sandhya Vandhanam as given in the following procedure. Please also fill in the blanks for Thithi, Vara, Nakshatra from the Panchangam known as Almanac. For the convenient of users, Abhivadhanam is also given at the bottom of this text. Please also fill in your Gothram, Rishi, your name etc. accordingly.


Sama Veda Sandhyavandanam Pdf

I am thankful to Shri U. Ve. Kizhanatham Sama Veda Bruhaspathi Sudarsanam Iyengar (of Chennai) for taking pain to produce the following text.


Meanwhile, please use the pdf file linked above. The primary source for this article is the book Yajussandhyaa Bhashyam by P.T. Paani Company, Thiruvallikkeni, Madras (1955). The image of this primary source is shown above. The following are other sources. Santhyavandanam by Narayanan (Nara) Thrikaala Sandhya Vandanam. September 12th, 2020 - yajur veda sandhyavandanam in tamil pdf free download Can any one help me in finding this book in Tamil Rig vedam Tamil english Or Rig veda from Ramakrishna math its cheap Dont download its a request Acquire Vidhya knowledge by egctraders offers wide variety of Tamil books on atharvana veda in tamil rig veda in tamil. SandhyA vandanam The version given below is followed by smArthas of Apastamba sUtram. There are a few differences in the mantrAs for the morning, noon and evening. First morning sandhyA is given below and there after only the variations are given separately for mAdhyAnikam and sAyam SandhyAvandanam. Part I sandhyAvandanam आचमनम.

TRS Iyengar

Rig Veda Sandhyavandanam Pdf In Sanskrit

Sama Veda Sandhya Vandanam Shri P.R.Ramachander
1 Argya Pradhanam 1.1
After chanting each of the following mantras take a small quantity of water in your right palm and sip. Om Achyuthaya Namah, Om Ananthaya Namah, Om Govindaya Namah Then, using only your right hand
1. Using your thumb, touch the right cheek while chanting the first word of the mantra and the left cheek while chanting the second
Kesava - Narayana
2. Using your ring finger, touch the right eye while chanting the first word of the mantra and the left eye while chanting the second
Madhava - Govinda
3. Using your index finger, touch the right side of the nose while chanting the first word of the mantra and the left side while chanting the second
Vishno - Madhusoodana
4. Using your little finger, touch the right ear while chanting the first word of the mantra and the left ear while chanting the second
Trivikrama - Vamana 5. Using your middle finger, touch the right shoulder while chanting the first word of the mantra and the left shoulder while chanting the second
Sreedhara - Hrishikesa 6. Touch the navel (belly button) with all fingers, saying Padmanabha 7. Touch the top of the head with all fingers, saying Damodara.
Ganapathi Dhyanam
Chant the following mantra while gently tapping your temples/outer forehead with your knuckles Shuklambaradharam Vishnum Shashi Varnam ChathurBhujam Prasanna Vadanam Dyayeth Sarva Vigna Upa Shanthaye.
1.3 Pranayamam
Figure 1: Position of fingers for Pranayama While reciting the following mantra, control your breathing by controlling the flow of air through your nostrils. Use the thumb, little and ring fingers of your right hand (as shown in Fig. 1 and detailed in the footnote) 1 -1 The forefinger and the middle finger are folded into the palm; the thumb presses against the right side of the nose controlling the flow of air into the right nostril, while the ring finger and the little finger together press the left side of
1. Breathe through the left nostril while reciting Om Bhoohoo Om Bhuvaha Om Suvaha Om Mahaha Om Janaha Om Thapaha Om Sathyam 2. Close both nostrils while reciting Om Tat-savithur varenyam Bargo devasya dhimahi Dhiyo yona prachodayath 3. Breathe through the right nostril while reciting Om Apa Jyothi rasa Amritam brahma Bhoorbuvasuvarom The transitions should be smooth and quick. Chant OM three times. Each time you say 'OM', touch your ear lobes with both hands. Om, Om, Om
Rest your left palm on your right thigh. Cover the left plam with the right plam, and chant the following mantra: Mamo partha samastha duritha kshaya dwara Sri Parameshwara preethyartham In the morning (typically between 4 am and 8 am -- Pratah Sandhya) Pratah sandhyam upasishye During the day (typically between 8 am and 4 pm -- Madhyannikam) Madhyaynikam karishye In the evening (typically between 4 pm and 8 pm -- Sayam Sandhya) Sayam sandhyam upasishye the nose, controlling air into the left nostril. Inhale through the left nostril by pressing the thumb firmly against the right side of the nose blocking the right nostril while simultaneously relaxing the pressure on the left side of the nose allowing air to flow in and out of the left nostril. Similarly, by relaxing the thumb while increasing the pressure with the index-little finger combine, one can control the flow of air through the right nostril while blocking the left. By applying pressure simultaneously on both sides of the nose, one can hold one's breath. Inhalation is called Puraka, the retention Kumbhaka and the exhalation Rechaka. the durations of these three (viz. Puraka, Kumbhaka and Rechaka) should be in the ratio 1: 3: 2
a) Chant Sri Kesavaya Namah and write OM in water with the ring finger of the right hand. b) Chant the following (ten) mantras. While chanting the first seven sprinkle water on the head; while chanting the eighth sprinkle water on your feet; for the ninth again, sprinkle on the head, and chant the tenth by taking a little water in your right palm and sprinkling it around your head clockwise 1
Aapo hishta mayo bhuva
Thana oorje dadha thana
Mahe ranaaya chakshase
Yova shiva thamo rasa
Thasya bhajaya thehana
Usatirava mathara
Thasma aranga mamava
8 Sprinkle water on your feet (or touch your feet with wet hands) Yasya kshayaya jinwadha 9 Sprinkle on the head Aapo janayadha jana 10 Taking a little water on your right palm, sprinkle water around your head clockwise (like a pradakshinam) Om Bhorbuvassuva
1.6 Praasanam After the 'swaha' at the end of the mantra, take a small quantity of water in your right palm and sip it. Pratah Sandhya
Ahascha swaha
Aapa punanthu prithweem Prithwee pootha punathu maam Punanthu brahmanaspathir brahma pootha punathu maam Yad uchishta mabhojyam yadhwa ducharitham mama Sarvam punanthu mamopa asatham cha prathigraham swaha 4
Sayam Sandhya
Rathrischa ma varunascha punathu swaha
Perform Achamanam. Use the procedure given in section 1.1
Punar Marjanam
Recite the following 14 mantras. While reciting the first eleven-sprinkle water on the head; while reciting the twelfth touch your feet; while reciting the thirteen sprinkle on your head, and recite the fourteenth by taking a little water in your right palm and sprinkling it clockwise around your head : 1.
Dadhi kravinno akarisham
Jishno raswasya vajina
Surabhino mukha karaath
Prana ayuhumshi tharishath
Aapo hishta mayo bhuva
Thana oorje dadha thana
Mahe ranaaya chakshase
Yova shiva thamo rasa
Thasya bhajaya thehana
Usatirava mathara
Thasma aranga mamava
12. Sprinkle water on your feet (or touch your feet with wet hands) Yasya kshayaya jinwadha 13. Sprinkle on the head Aapo janayadha jana 14. Taking a little water on your right palm, sprinkle water clockwise around your head (like a Pradakshinam) Om Bhorbuvassuva
1.9 Argya Pradhanam Join both hands, taking care not to let either thumb touch the other fingers. Gather sufficient water in your palms. Pour the water through your fingers while reciting the following mantra -Om Bhorbuvassuva Tatsa vithur varenyam bhargo devasya deemahi Dhiyo yona prachodayath Prathah Sandhya Face east and repeat thrice. Madyannikam Face North and repeat twice. Sayam Sandhya Face West and repeat twice.
1.10 Prayaschitha Argyam 1. Do Pranayama as detailed in section 1.3 2. Then offer one more Argyam. Join both hands, taking care not to let either thumb touch other fingers. Gather sufficient water in your palms. Pour the water through your fingers while reciting the following mantra --
Om Bhorbuvassuva Tatsa vithur varenyam bhargo devasya deemahi Dhiyo yona prachodayath This is a Prayaschitha (atonement) for doing the argya pradhanam late. 3. Take small quantity of water in your right hand and sprinkle it clockwise around your head while reciting: (this is called Athma Parishechanam) Prathah Sandhya
Om yadathya gacha vruthrahan. Udayaa abhisoorya sarvaan dathindra they vache
Om uthkedthbhi sruthamagam vrushabham naryabasim Astharameshi soorya
Sayam Sandhya
Om na thasya maya yachana Ripureeseetha marthya yo agnaye dathacha havyadathaye
1.11 Ikya-anusandhanam With both hands touch the middle of the chest. Close your eyes, focus your attention on the spot between your eyebrows, and recite AsaavadhityoBbrahma. Brahamaivahamasmi
Perform Achamanam (see section 1.1)
1.13 Deva Tharpanam Prathah Sandhya Squat facing east. Madyannikam Squat facing east/north. Sayam Sandhya Squat facing north. For each of the following mantras, take a little water in your right palm and let it flow down your finger-tips. 1.
Aadithyam tharpayami
Somam tharpayami
Angarakam tharpayami
Budham tharpayami
Brahaspathim tharpayami
Shukram tharpayami
Sanaiswaram tharpayami
Rahum tharpayami
Kethum tharpayami
Kesavam tharpayami
Narayanam tharpayami
Madhavam tharpayami
Govindam tharpayami
Vishnum tharpayami
Madhusoodhanam tharpayami
Trivikramam tharpayami
Vamanam tharpayami
Sreedharam tharpayami
Hrishikesam tharpayami
Padmanabham tharpayami
Damodharam tharpayami
1.14 Achamanam Perform Achamanam. Use the procedure given in section 1.1
Japa Sankalpam
1. Recite the following mantra while gently tapping your temples/outer forehead with your knuckles -Shuklambaradharam Vishnum Shashi Varnam ChathurBhujam Prasanna Vadanam Dyayeth Sarva Vigna Upa Shanthaye. 2. Do Pranayamam (refer section 1.3) 3. Sankalpam Rest your left palm on your right thigh. Cover the left plam with the right plam, and chant the following mantra: Mamo partha samastha duritha kshaya dwara Sri Parameshwara preethyartham Prathah Sandhya
Prathahh sandhya gayathri mantra japam karishye
Madhyaynika gayathri maha mantra japam karishye
Sayam Sandhya
Sayam sandhya gayathri maha mantra japam karishye
Pranava Japam
1. Touch the top of your head with four fingers (thumb excluded) Pranavasya Rishi Brahma 2. Touch the gap between your nose and upper lip Devi gayathri Chandaha 3. Touch the middle of your chest Paramathma devatha 4. Touch the top of your head with four fingers (thumb excluded) Bhooradhi saptha vyahruteenam athri brugu - kuthsa - vasishta - gowthama kasyapa - aangeerasa rishayaha 5. Touch the gap between your nose and upper lip Gayathree - ushnik - anushtup - brahathi - pankthi- trushtup- jagathi - chandamsi 6. Touch the middle of your chest Agni - vayu - arka - vageesa - varuna indra - viswe deva - devatha
Do Pranayama ten times (see section 1.3)
Gayathri Avahanam
1. Touch the top of your head with four fingers (thumb excluded) Aayaathu Ithi anuvakasya vamadeva rishi 2. Touch the gap between your nose and upper lip Anushtup chanda 3. Touch the middle of your chest Gayathri devatha 9
4. Perform the Avahani mudra (see Fig 2) Aayathu varada devi aksharam brahma samhitham Gayathri chandasam mathedam brahma jushaswana Ojosi, sahosi,balamasi, brajosi Devaanaam dhama naamaasi Viswamasi viswayus sarvamasi sarvayurabhipoorom Gayathrim avahayami Savithrim avahayami Saraswathim avahayami (For each of the last three mantras, i.e., after chanting avahayami, bring your palms close together with only the little fingers touching; slowly rotate your wrists, bringing the fingers towards you -- as though you were beckoning someone)
Figure 2: Avahani Mudra
Gayathri Nyasam
1. Touch the top of your head with four fingers (thumb excluded) Savithriya rishi Vishwamitraha 2. Touch the gap between your nose and upper lip Nichrud-gayathri chandaha 3. Touch the middle of your chest Savitha devatha 10
Gayatri Japam
Figure 3: Namaste Mudra Chant the Gayathri mantra 108 times2 facing East in the morning and afternoon,and West in the evening Prathah Sandhya Stand or sit facing East, palms joined in namaste mudra (see Fig. 3) and held in front of the face Madhyannikam Stand or sit facing East, palms joined in namaste mudra and held in front of the chest Sayam Sandhya Sit facing West, palms joined in namaste mudra and held in front of the naval Om Bhur Vhuvah Svah Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat
Gayathri Upasthanam
Do Pranayamam Stand up facing the direction given below (same as the direction for the Gayatri Japam). Join palms in the Namaste mudra, and chant Prathah Sandhya Facing East Prathahha sandhya upasthanam karishye Madhyannikam Facing East Adithyo upasthanam karishye 2 54 or 27 when rushed
Sayam Sandhya Facing West Sayam sandhyo-upasthanam karishye Next, chant Uthame shikare devi bhoomyam parvatha moordhini Brahmanebhyo hyanugyanam, gachcha devi yatha sukham
Surya Upasthanam
Without changing posture (standing up, facing a specified direction) Prathah Sandhya:
Yaso aham bhavami brahmananaam Yaso ragnam yaso visaam Yasa sathyasya bhavami Bhavami yasasaam yasa Adithya naava maroksham poornamparipadinim Achithram bharayishnaveem satharithraam swasthye om Namah adithyaya Udyantham dwa aadithyanu deeyasam Aadhithya navamaroksham poorna maparipaddhineem Acchithram bharayishnaveem sadarithraam swasthaye Om Namah Adithyaya, Namah adhithyaya, Namah adhithyaya Uduthyam jatha vedasam devam vahanthi kethava|| Drushye vishwaya sooryam Chithram devaanam udaga-daneekam chakshur-mithrasya varunasyagneh Aa pra dyava prithvi anthareeksha soorya athma jagatas-thu-shacha Thachakshur deva-hitham purasthachchukramuchcharth Om bhorbuvaswarom Soorya iva drishya bhooyasam agneeriva thejasa Vayuriva pranena Soma iva ganthena Brahaspathhir iva budhya Aswina iva roopena Indragni iva balena Brahma bhaga evaham bhooyasam paap mabhaga me dwishantha 12
Sayam Sandhya:
Yaso aham bhavami brahmananaam Yaso ragnam yaso visaam Yasa sathyasya bhavami Bhavami yasasaam yasa Adithya naava maroksham poornamparipadinim Achithram bharayishnaveem satharithraam swasthye Om Namah adithyaya, Namah adhithyaya, Namah adithyaya Prathi thishtantham thavar adhithya anu prathi thishtassam
Samashti Abhivadanam
Starting from the direction facing which the Japam (see section 2.6) was done turn, 90 degrees to the right after each mantra. •
Sandhyayai Namah

Savithryai Namah

Gaythryai Namah

Saraswathyai Namah
Turn right
Turn right
Turn right
Then chant with palms in the namste mudra, facing the same direction as the Japam Sarvebhyo devathabhyo namo Namah Kamo karshed manyura karshed namo Namah
Abhivadaye Namaskara
Face the direction in which you did the Japam(see section 2.6). Touch both ears, bow slightly and chant (fill the blanks) Abhivadaye name of your Rishis number of Rishis Risheya your Pravara or blank pravaranvitha your Gothra gothra your Suthra Suthra your Veda shaka adhyayi Sri your Name sarmanama aham asmibhoh After this touch your feet with both hands and do Namaskaram. See Appendix for a table of some common Pravara Rishis. 13
Dik-Devatha Vandhanam
With palms joined in the namste mudra offer salutations to the different directions -1. Face East Pracyai dishe Namah 2. Turn 90 degrees to the right to face South Dakshinayai dishe Namah 3. Turn 90 degrees to the right and face West Pradeechai dishe Namah 4. Turn 90 degrees to the right and face North Udichyai dishe Namah Then again face the direction in which did the Japam(2.6), and chant 1. Look up Oordwaya Namah 2. Look down Adharaya Namah 3. Look at the sky Anthareekshaya Namah 4. Look at the earth Bhoomyai Namah 5. Look straight ahead Brahmane Namah 6.
Vishnave Namah
Mrutuyuve Namah
Yama Vandanam
Palms joined in namaste mudra, stand facing South and chant Yamaya Namah Yamaya dharma rajaya, mrutyuve cha anthakaya cha Vaivaswathaya kalaya sarva bhootha kshayaya cha Oudhumbharaya dhadhnaya neelaya parameshtinay Vrukodharaya chithraya chithra gupthaya vai Namah Chithra gupthaya vai Namah om Namah ithi
Harihara Vandhanam
Palms joined in namaste mudra, stand facing West and chant Ritam sathyam para brahma purusham Krishna pingalam Oordhwrethwam viroopaksham Viswa roopaya vai Namah Viswa roopaya vai Namah om Namah ithi
Soorya Narayana Vandhanam
Palms joined in namaste mudra, stand facing the direction in which the Japam was done and chant
Namah savithre jagadeka chakshushe Jagat prasoothi sthithi naasa hethave Trayin mayaya trigunathma dharine Virinchi Narayana sankara athmane Dyeya sada savithru mandala Madhyavarthi Narayana sarasijasana sannivishta Keyuravan makara kundalavaan Kiriti haari hiranya vapur drutha sankha chakra Shanka chakra gadha pane dwaraka nilayachythe Govinda pundarikaksha raksha maam sharana-gatham Aakasath pathitham thoyam Yada gachathi sagaram Sarva deva Namaskara Sri kesavam prathi gachathi Sri kesavam prathi gachathi om nama ithi
Take a small quantity of water in your palms, hold it while chanting the mantra, and then pour it (flowing over your fingertips) onto the ground. Kaye na vacha Manasendriyair va Budhyathma nava Prakruthai swabhavat Karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai Narayana yethi samarpayami
Perform Achamanam. Use the procedure given in section 1.1
Sprinkle some water on the place where Japam was performed reciting the mantra below; then touch the ground with the ring finger of your right hand, and place it between your eyebrows
Adhya no deva savitha prajavath saavihi soubhagam Para dushswapnyam suva Viswani deva savitha - durithani paraa suva Yad bhadram thanma asuva Om
Appendix A few common Rishi families (Gothras) Gothra Pravara Athreya Athreya, Archanaanasa, Syavaaswa Baradwaja Angeerasa, Barhaspathya, Bharadwaja Chandilya Kashyapa, Aavathsara, Naidruva, Reba, Raibha, Choundilya, Chandilya Gargeya Aangeerasa, Chainya, Gargya Aangeerasa, Barhaspathya, Baradwaja, Chainya, Gargya Gowthama Aangirasa, Aayasya, Gowthama Haritha Aangeerasa, Ambareeksha, Younaswa Koundinya Vasishta, Maithra-Varuna, Koundinya Koushika Vaiswamithra, Aagamarshana, Koushika Naidruva Kashyapa Kashyapa, Avathsara, Naidruva Sounaka Garthsamadha
Rishiya Traya-Rishiya Traya-Rishiya Saptha Rishiya
Traya-Rishiya Pancha-Rishiya Traya-Rishiya Traya-Rishiya Traya-Rishiya Traya-Rishiya Traya-Rishiya Ekarsheya